My Ragdoll Family

My Ragdoll Family
Megailee Ragdolls

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dolly Finally Delivers a Ragdoll Kitten(s)

Our Dolly was 3 days late in delivery and I was getting a bit concerned. It is always possible to miscalculate but generally she is a 65 day gestation. She seemed needy yesterday so all day I sat and read to her and kept her company. Finally at 4 a.m. she delivered a kitten. He or she was breech but came out ok and is happy and nursing. It is now about 9 a.m. and no other kittens have been delivered. Hmm. one this time?? Too bad as I have a waiting list with 3 people on it already all waiting for lynx kittens. Important thing is that he/ she is healthy and has a fantastic life. We love you Dolly!

I am so so so tired today.

Update - I was out of the house for only an hour between 2-3 and when I came home and checked on Dolly there was now 2 kittens! Ten hours later but both are nursery and looking well. The first 48 hours are most critical and then the first 2 weeks.

Way to go Dolly!

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My Ragdoll Kitten Family

My Ragdoll Kitten Family
Megailee Ragdolls