They are all bicolor with 3 seal and 4 blue. Four are boys. All cute and nicely marked. Of course all Ragdolls are cute regardless of markings and color.
These two kittens pictured are now seven weeks of age. One is a seal bicolor and female and the other is a blue bicolor and male.
Sometimes I find it hard to tell if they are playing or fighting. Kittens sure can play rough. Wrestling moves are amazing to watch. I do think that they are attempting to determine rank in the litter as they would in any pack. At this age they are interested in playing for the fun of it as well as seeing just who is the best at running, pouncing, or climbing. Sometimes you hear one cry out and want to intervene. The next moment they are grooming each other. They are learning what hurts and just how rough they can be. They also enjoy each other's company. Ragdolls are very social. They like other pets and all people. They will follow you from room to room and just want to be with you. Not all are lap cats. Some are and some evolve into it. Personality, environment, and daily interactions all part a part. Early socialization is important but lessons from life are more so.
Anyway time to visit the kittens again. The two that were fighting and/or playing the hardest and now happily napping side by side.